
Essential Oils

Apr 28th 2020

Good Morning!

I have been using oils for almost 6 years now and they have been a life changer. I started being a Young Living distributor months after I started using them because I notice how much they had changed my life and my children. They have made us feel mentally, spiritually and physically so much better. Many of you I know are using oils and can agree the obsession we for them. If you haven't yet I guarantee you'll love them. I think everyone always tells me after they order and try them that they wished they had done it sooner.

Today I wanted to share with you that anyone who purchases a Premium Starter Kit I'll be sending a free gift from Your Gypsy Wagon. Your choice of a beautiful constellation necklace or ring, three bundles of sage or 4 ounces of deodorant. Link is below to sign up!


Here is the link to sign up. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me through email or Instagram direct messages.  Young Living Kit

